Tuesday, July 2, 2019

We can ask.

It’s a question we always ask: which one is better, safer-
Confronting or ignoring?
Perhaps I should crowdsource the answer:
What would harassers like better?
Or perhaps they can’t be generalised, like the rest of us. 
Let us take a nuanced, case-by-case approach. 
When someone accosts you on the street, blocks your path with their car, 
demands your number as price for your freedom, 
Whip out your survey form. 
If he cannot be shamed, let us name, place, animal and thing him
Let us drown him in nouns and adjectives, 
Pin him and predict him and molest him with our microscope
Let us debate him at dinner tables and on primetime TV
To make ourselves feel better: contributing to #EndSexualViolence
While ignoring that our nephew (/uncle/cousin) does some rather strange things when drunk;
One of the older males must be asked to speak to him one of these days,
Otherwise one of these girls nowadays—you know what they are—will MeToo him.