Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I do not want to beg
For emotions.
To stand at the door and look
Timid, eager, perhaps a little guilty,
And knock. And wait.

And how much good would it do
Anyway? -Would you notice,
Look up from your scribbling
One impatient moment,
Or raise a hand to wave me away,
Or look inquiringly-
Polite but hardly interested-
and wait for my question ?

Does it matter ? I smile at myself;
Would I not rather
See you from the door than not at all,
Happy that something so interests, holds you;
Feel a need that needs no answer, holds
No pride, and so, no shame ?


  1. I don't have the right words to put it. But I really really liked this.

  2. stumbled across your blog on a friend's suggestion. Your write is simply WOW !!.. beautifully crafted..loved every line..

    btw check out mine sometime..thanks:)
