Tuesday, October 26, 2010

one girl, missing.

Where o where has the little girl gone ?

Empty seat and tousled bed
Shake their heads, it's worrisome.
Let's worrisome.

The doll's hairbrush just smoothed her hair,
The pins were dropped- now she's not there.
No, she wasn't just hair.

A little lamp has toppled down,
The pen and exercise-book frown.
So small the girl, so big the frown.

Window is open, door is shut,
She cannot go out, cannot soar up.
She tried, but she didn't go up.


  1. Rhea, you're writing better and better all the time. It's worrisome.
    This one is quaint, but in the modern poetry context. I like.

  2. thank you. reassurances were required.

    on a more cheerful note, let's worrisome.
