Tuesday, November 15, 2011

She came and brought a feather,
wafted it onto the desk with
thoughtfulness and affection.
She thought of me when I wasn't there
And brought me a tufty white thing. ?
Then she said nothing and smiled
At my grinny thanks
And went away.
I'm so horrible but a feather
Is so artsy and I'm so not,
And why didn't she say anything What
does she mean by it We never talk

She came the next day to borrow a book.
Looked at the single shelf in my wall
that had books in it, picked up a book of fairytales,
(Perrault, not Grimm) and thanked me quietly.
Why does she always have to pick airy-faery
stuff And why did I just spell fairy faery And
why can't I get through a book, any book
whether serious or fun without it being compulsory
Oh God I'm turning into one of those colossal(ly)
bitchy bores that can't Think of anybody else and why
Are my capitals going Haywire and my line lengths inconsistent
And Why am i stuck in internal monologue?
[gasping sounds. other people presumably come on stage]

Narrator (also me): Yeah, so. Pity the tale of she, he, whatever. This is just One of the many people (p.c.pronoun) knows.

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