Friday, June 29, 2012

There are lots of existential questions that plague one
When one is trying to take a break from existence and 
All the hubbub, you know, that's much of a muchness.
Normally, one wishes to plod indiscriminately along streets and just
Land up in something heroic, you know, or make things sound suggestively
Controversial, but sometimes one wants just the plodding—and perhaps a drink or gossip—
Nothing too stressful, none of the talking, none of the learning and the manipulating—
It's such a task, and one can't even confide in people, that's just not done.
And the worst is, it can't be helped. None of that harsh stuff, please, 
Nothing gets done without it. One needs to overlook a lot of well-meaning fluff
While just being careful that in easing out the inconsequential,
One doesn't talk oneself out of everything.

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